24/7 Bail Hotline 714-537-7777


Bonnie Profile Photo July 2016

1st Class Bail Bonds, Inc. was founded by Bonnie Plotkin Merrick, a 30 year veteran of the bail bond industry. Her values and ethics are the foundation this company was built on. 

As an active member of CBAA and OCBAA, she is able to stay current on matters related to the bail bond industry that could affect her clients, her business or the entire bail bond industry.

Bonnie actively participates in the following bail bond industry associations:


The California Bail Agents Association has been a long-standing leader in the education of Bail Agents. This association promotes the professionalism of the industry and represents the interests of California bail agents at the state, local and federal levels.


Orange County Bail Agents Associationwww.ocbaa.com
The Orange County Bail Agents Association was formed in 1996 for the purpose of assisting local bail agents in informing the Public, Law Enforcement, and the Courts on how bail bonds work.


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